An issue has come up in our tiny little burly-q community. One very jealous performers has taken it upon herself to deem other performers inferior. I take issue with this because she is insulting my friends and YOU. DON'T. DO. THAT. EVER! It would be one thing if this bitch had talent. If she had talent, she would probably know what respect was. But she doesn't. It's laughable and just sad. She is really good example of how not to do burlesque and how to have a bad attitude about performing and how to fuck your chances of being respected in your community. She really needs to step off before she gets cunt-punched.
So, what's the best way to deal with someone like this? Why write a blog post and vent of course.
The best way would be to ignore it. It draws attention to her, which she doesn't need. No press is bad press right? Hold your own, keep being badass. That's the remedy. Eventually once the person realizes that they have shunned themselves, they will either slink back into their dark corner or get run out of town. ( Light the torches!)
Or there's the Showgirls solution and you can just push the bitch down the stairs.
Or a burlesque dance off. Electric Slide in the house. But the best solution, let her get busted for a DWI.
In conclusion, how not to be a giant twat:
- Don't shit where you eat.
- Have some respect for yourself and other people.
- If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all.
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